Archive for 2008

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When I was home in Minnesota last week I picked up a hardcover copy of "Some Kind of Ride" the latest book from one of my favorite midwest artist/poets, Brian Andreas (came out in 2006; I have several others of his, dating back to 1993.)

I hadn't been following his work as of late so when I just checked out his website,, i saw that in fact "Some Kind of Ride" is not his most recent project-- he has released a free ebook called "Peculiar Times" and it's adorable-- much more stripped down than his other books, especially compared to the full-color hardcover last one.

Here is a link to the PDF of the complete ebook "Peculiar Times"

yay now i don't have to spend time scanning them in, and can even paint them myself! haha (they make great cards)
Peculiar Times Full View

pictures from my flight to minneapolis



Airport Full View

over turtle lake in wisconsin last weekend <3





this first one turned out the best because i had it on ISO 80, resting on the dock. I haven't doctored them yet, i should prob clean out some of the noise on the last 2
fireworks Full View

desk, originally uploaded by nuwanda181.

some friends and i ended up doing some line drawings of each other (sparked by danielle, see earlier post), good clean impromptu fun, here are some of mine. no looking down.

no looking Full View

my illustration for Kevin's poem titled "Urgent Plea from a Scrambled Egg not to be Eaten" a very very funny one.

Urgent Plea from a Scrambled Egg not to be Eaten

Although I look all soft and fluffy

I'm really rather scruffy

I've lived life on the wrong side of the tracks

My days were long and hard

And I've spent time in the yard

You should have seen my shell- all loaded up with cracks

They whipped me and they beat me

You really should not eat me.

My insides are scrambled and my brains are fried.

I really taste quite awful

Won't you rather have a waffle

With some butter and some syrup on the side?

I see I can't dissuade you,

How bout if I paid you?

You really don't want to see a grown egg cry

But I just don't have the torque

To resist your urgent fork,

So I guess dear friend, this really is good-bye.

And here is another, titled "Bear Child"

Bear Child

Well it's time you were aware

that you're really not a bear

You're growing up,

we thought it's finally time you knew.

You're different from the others,

not as hairy as your brothers

And your sisters growl much louder than you do.

We found you in the forest

A diapered little tourist

You didn't cry, just chewed a brown pine cone

We took you home and got you fed,

laid you in an oak leaf bed

And raised you as if you were our very own.

At first you were confusing

Your skin was much more prone to bruising

When we pawed you like the other baby cubs

We were startled by your scream

When we put you in the stream

You preferred to have your bath time in a tub

And we learned to be more cautious

Since raw salmon made you nauseous

We fed you berries, honey, nuts and fruit

And we learned after a while

That marshmallows made you smile

When we found a human picnic site to loot.

You have hands to open jars

That we find in camper's cars

We were blessed to find you long ago that day

You never hibernate

And your eyesight's truly great

You can spot a trout a hundred feet away

You can't walk on four paws

And you don't have nice sharp claws

At bear-y things you'll never be the best

Though you cannot scale a tree

And you're scared of honey bees

We love you just as much as all the rest
children's book part 6 & 7 Full View

Illustration for the poem "Coral Girl and Lobster Boy"
probably my favorite poem, though my favorite illustration i think might be the scrambled egg one, which i'll post next.
children's book part 5 Full View

"Phone Alone" is the title of Kevin's poem (and this illustration)
Parts 1 thru 3 are in January posts.
children's book part 4 Full View


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