
an event that is a beginning

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"Do (Blueboy 1)"

You (blueboy2)
"You (Blueboy 2)"

Even (blueboy3)
"Even (Blueboy 3)"

Know (blueboy4)
"Know (Blueboy 4)"

Me (blueboy5)
"Me (Blueboy 5)"

for a minute i considered approaching this art archive chronologically, but i think that's why i gave up the other two times. So to get this ball rolling, i'm starting with what's already up on Flickr.

This is a 5 part photocollage series I made from a picture of a paper bag, a leather sofa, and some weird guy i met at a party. I think his name was jeff. Thanks jeff.

I titled each of the five respectively, "Do" "You" "Even" "Know" "Me"
Partly because i feel like i dissected and befriended "jeff" from this one photograph, and now I feel like i know him better than i actually do. It's similar to the feeling many people have towards celebrities, after staring at them long enough. Or when you dream about someone you hardly know; i've had that happen with co-workers, and then when you see them the next day you feel compelled to have a deep conversation with them or hug them or something.

p.s. so in setting up my Flickr account to blog photos for me, i was offered these two very effed up auto-email addresses today:

Email your photos to this address

Email your photos to this address

what is up with that??? I kept resetting it to get a seemingly normal/nonsensical one, so don't even bother trying to email them.


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