Archive for 2009

as seen in the dressing room of Crossroads Trading Company in Berkeley
Cute Vandalism Full View

Recycled cassette tape hats and neckties made out of sonic fabric, by Sonic Fabric... and they actually play sounds when you rub a tape head over the tie. They also sell the fabric and make chairs, dresses, etc. out of the stuff. Brilliant gift idea.
Sonic Fabric Full View

handbag gun by Tarina Tarantino. Who is not related to Quentin, by the way.
My birthday is next month. Hint.
Tarina Tarantino Full View

Flies Full View

saw this on swissmiss, I think I might make some provided i can find big enough hooks to fit over my closet bar--
natural wood hangers Full View is describing themselves as "an exciting new way to experience luxury lifestyle online." I'm not sure where they are finding all this content, but I enjoy the perspective.
Nowness Full View

My 2008 and partial 2009 style lookbook

Real Fairytale Endings by Diana Goldstein
2008 - 2009 Lookbook Full View

The Invisible Man Full View

more Delores Park, SF Full View


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