Archive for December 2007

uz_01, originally uploaded by juriu.

uz_11, originally uploaded by juriu.

watercolor is such a difficult medium for me (and I'm not alone on that I'm sure)... I really enjoy the way this artist Juriu on Flickr uses her watercolors. These are a few pages from her picture book "Uzumaki." ("uzumaki" = spirals, swirls)

uz_02, originally uploaded by juriu.

Uzumaki Full View

its so hard to part with paintings sometimes... i fell in love with this one and often wish i could have kept it... or cloned it in a machine.

"Experiment A"

Using paint, a few mysterious found objects, salt, coffee and paper mache
Experiment A Full View

i have a thing for unique playing cards, these i nestled in a white mixture of plaster, spackle, paint and overlayed with white tissue for a faded appearance. It looks great on my red/black/white themed wall in my apartment

Twenty78 closeup
Twenty78 Full View

funfunfun i want to leave them as restaurant tips *dork*
moneygami Full View

my friend Shannon's tattoo I designed a while back. She had it done in San Diego on her lower back, the colorist was amazing, she wouldn't go anywhere else. A few other friends have tattoos I drew that I still need to round up photos of....

Four Elements Full View

ravergirl Full View

here's Part 3 to previous explorations of this oil and water technique... a friend at a dotcom saw my others and i whipped up these two for their offices.
I made it so they could hang vertical and/or horizontal

tornado A

tornado B closeup

Not sure if the colors are really coming across in the photos, (midnight blue, offwhite, gold) I might reshoot.
"Tornado A" and "Tornado B" Full View

december is here, christmas is coming, my tiny tree is up! This year i decided to hang necklaces and bracelets for ornaments, may as well decorate girlie style while i still live alone

christmas jewelry tree
o' christmas jewelry tree Full View


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